Scientific Staff

Karina Orozco

Global Tree Conservation Coordinator

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As the global tree conservation coordinator, Karina Orozco works to organize and support research and capacity-building activities that advance tree conservation around the world.

Orozco began at the Arboretum in 2022 as a research aide studying the ecology and restoration of an endangered oak species, Quercus insignis, in Costa Rica. During her research fellowship, she gained valuable experience collecting and analyzing data, creating educational materials, and collaborating with partners in both English and Spanish.

As the global tree conservation coordinator for the Arboretum’s Global Tree Conservation Program, Orozco works to facilitate oak conservation in the U.S. and Latin America in alignment with the Global Conservation Consortium for Oak. She organizes workshops, manages partnerships, and helps conduct research in and outside of the Arboretum. Orozco is especially interested in conservation ecology and connecting with experts to study threatened species in the field.


BA, Environmental Studies

DePaul University
Chicago, IL

Projects (6)