Chicago Region Trees Initiative

How to Speak Up for Trees

Become an advocate for trees and improve the tree canopy in your community.

Content Detail

Communities, groups, and individuals have the power to speak up and make a difference for trees to bring the benefits of trees to all people. The Morton Arboretum’s urban and community forestry program, the Chicago Region Trees Initiative, provides information and tools that can help anyone speak up and become an advocate for trees.

No matter what your experience or background, you can improve the health and beauty of your community by learning about the issues that affect trees, communicating those issues to decision makers, and supporting policies, practices, and investment to plant and protect trees and improve their care.

What Do You Want to See Happen?

Start by considering what you want to achieve. For example, are you trying to:

  • Save a specific tree?
  • Raise awareness of the value of trees among the residents and officials of your community?
  • Change your municipality’s tree laws and policies?
  • Encourage local officials to plan for tree planting and maintenance?
  • Increase your community’s budget for forestry?
  • Influence your community to include trees in its zoning and other planning processes?

How Do You Want to Speak Up for Trees?

Consider what you are prepared to do and have the time to support. Do you want to:

  • Write letters?
  • Speak at public meetings?
  • Educate the public about the value of trees and how to care for them?
  • Meet with local government officials?
  • Organize a group to advocate for trees?
  • Bring a tree perspective to an existing group?

Your answers to these questions influence the type of advocacy you pursue. In this guide, you’ll find each of these issues and actions have a role to play in protecting and caring for trees.

Why We Need Trees in Our Communities

Trees provide many benefits to people and communities. Trees can make people healthier, streets quieter, and cities safer. Trees that shade homes save energy and reduce the cost of heating and cooling. The presence of trees can increase home values and make shopping areas more attractive and profitable.

Trees improve the environment by generating oxygen, cleaning the air, helping to treat water pollution, and capturing stormwater runoff to reduce flooding. Trees can help mitigate the effects of a changing climate by shading streets to reduce the increased heat from masonry and by cooling the air.

Trees supply food and habitat to many kinds of birds, butterflies, and other animals, keeping ecosystems thriving and suburbs and cities full of life.

By surrounding people in natural beauty, trees reduce stress and offer calm and respite.

Learn more about the benefits of trees, including the science behind them, from The Morton Arboretum.

Threats Facing Trees

The trees in our communities face many threats. It takes concerted effort from individuals, organizations, and government officials to speak up and advocate for the protection of trees and forests.

Invasive Pests and Diseases

The emerald ash borer is an invasive species of insect that was transported from Asia to the Midwest through global trade. According to data from the 2020 Chicago Region Tree Census, the estimated number of live ash trees decreased by 10 million over the last decade. This catastrophic loss is largely due to the emerald ash borer. Oak wilt, which is a severe danger to native oak trees, is an example of an invasive disease. It is believed to have come to the eastern United States from Mexico, Central America, or South America. Pests and diseases can easily be spread through transportation networks, and new threats to Chicago region trees are always possible.

Invasive Woody Plants

Invasive trees and other woody plants such as buckthorn easily outcompete other trees. In the Chicago region, buckthorn now makes up 36% of total tree stems, according to the tree census.

Many of these plants have been planted as ornamental species in yards and have spread to both public and private land.

In northern Illinois, invasive species include:

Shrinking Government Budgets

With increasing strain on government budgets, hard-pressed officials may cut funds allocated to tree planting and maintenance.


New large-scale developments may clear-cut mature trees on a wooded site. Smaller projects also can have an impact. For example, trees can be lost when streets are widened, when apartment buildings replace single-family homes and their yards, or when established business parks are redeveloped.

Improper or Inadequate Tree Care

Trees need proper care to thrive and grow. Newly planted trees need frequent watering during their first few years in order to establish their root systems and grow into mature trees. Even large trees need watering during dry periods. Mature trees also need routine pruning to reduce the likelihood that branches will break or fall during storms. When trees are improperly mulched, with the mulch piled against the bark of their trunks, it can lead to serious decay. Trees can be damaged during construction if their trunks and roots are not adequately protected.

Losing Mature Trees Faster Than New Ones Can Grow

Large, mature trees offer the most environmental and economic benefits, and it can take decades for a tree to mature. When a mature tree comes down, even if a sapling is planted in its place, the benefits lost will not be replaced for years to come.

Climate Change

As the climate changes, the region’s weather is becoming more extreme, with rising temperatures, more frequent and intense storms, and more periods of drought. In these conditions, trees will be stressed and may have difficulty adapting and surviving. Milder and shorter winters can also mean that harmful pests are not being killed by cold, make the region more hospitable to new pests, and expand their potential to damage trees.

How to Take Action for Trees

There is a way for everyone to speak up for trees. Every action listed below is important and can play a role in improving the health of trees in your community.

Tree Advocacy Actions

  • Local government staff, often in the planning or public works department, are most likely to have direct knowledge of issues concerning trees. Since they carry out tree ordinances, it is important that they hear from you about real-life tree situations.

    These staff members implement the decisions of elected village boards, county commissions, and city councils. They issue permits, and manage budgets. They can often answer questions or refer you to the right official.

    In general, a planning department advises elected officials on projects including development on public and private property. A public works department is responsible for work on public property, such as road repairs and sidewalk replacements, that may affect trees.

  • Elected officials such as alderpersons, village board members, commissioners, and mayors have the power to make lasting changes to codes, laws, permits, and budgets that can drastically affect how your community takes care of trees. Elected officials represent you and need to hear from their constituents. Governing bodies often have systems to encourage public comment.

  • In Illinois, governing and regulatory bodies are required by law to discuss public business at public meetings, which usually include opportunities for comment from the public. Issues concerning trees often come up at meetings about zoning, planning, and development. Agendas for meetings of public bodies are required to be made public in advance, so you can check to see if there is something you would like to comment on. Attending a public meeting is a great way to learn about what is happening in your community and why some decisions are made.

    At many public meetings, there are opportunities to write comments or questions down on paper. Sometimes surveys are distributed.

    If you wish to make a comment at a public meeting, it can be helpful to prepare your brief (two- to three-minute) comment in advance. This will ensure that you say what you intended to say without being distracted.

    Not all public meetings allow public comment. Contact the government agency’s staff and ask about the process for public comment, so you can be ready when comments are requested.

  • Before local governments pass new laws, they seek public comments. There is often an online form to complete. This will make your comments part of the official public record. Tree advocacy comments can be helpful during budgeting periods, discussions about specific legislation or proposed bills, and debates about zoning or development permit requirements or processes.

    Public comments should be short and follow the community’s guidelines and requirements.

  • Both print and online editions of local newspapers typically have an opinion section. You can submit a short letter to the editor about any issue. Letters are more likely to be printed when they respond to an article that was recently published in that paper. For example, if your local paper published an article about the city council’s budget proposal, you could write a letter to the editor about how important it is that the budget include funding for tree maintenance.

    Letters to the editor should be short and follow all of that newspaper’s letter submission guidelines, which you can find online.

  • Many trees are on private land. An important form of tree advocacy is encouraging friends and neighbors to properly care for the trees on their property, which includes watering, correct pruning, and using mulch properly. If you are comfortable doing so, share tree maintenance information with them.

    Persuade your homeowners’ association to devote more money to tree planting and maintenance.

    When there are public issues that affect trees, such as a proposed tree ordinance or a budget for tree maintenance, encourage neighbors to attend public meetings with you in support of trees.

  • If your local government has a tree board or commission to advise elected officials on tree issues, consider applying to join it. If there is no tree board, consider proposing that one be established. The National Arbor Day Foundation provides lessons on how to start a tree board at Tree Board University.

Common Tree Problems and What You Can Do

Below are some common tree-related questions, with suggestions for how you can take action.

Common Tree Problems

  • First, find out the reasons for the decision to remove this tree. Not all trees can, or should, be saved.

    Note the exact address and location of the tree in question. Then contact your municipality’s public works or forestry department and ask for details about the markings on that particular tree.

    Keep in mind the tree may not be owned or managed by the municipality. For example, if it is in a schoolyard it will be owned by the school district, and if it is in a park it may be owned by the park district.

    Consider asking the following questions:

    What does the ribbon or marking mean?
    Why is the tree being taken down?
    Is there anything I can do to prevent the tree from being taken down?
    What is the plan for replacing this tree with new trees?
    How can I find out about other trees that are being considered for removal before they are marked?

    What You Can Do

    Check whether your local or county government has a tree preservation ordinance or written policy that might apply to the tree. Some communities have stand-alone tree ordinances, but provisions regarding trees also may be included in zoning or stormwater ordinances.

    Tree removal decisions are often made months in advance of actual removal. It may be too late to save the tree.

    Whether or not your advocacy prevents the removal of this tree, it is important to use this occurrence as an example for future advocacy. You might advocate for your community to create a tree board or commission, pass a tree preservation ordinance, develop a tree management plan, or increase its forestry budget to provide better maintenance that might save more trees.

  • Many communities have written requirements for replacing trees that have been removed. The replacement does not always have to be in the same spot. Some communities dictate the minimum size, location, and type of tree that can be used to replace removed trees. Some communities give homeowners the chance to select replacement trees for the parkway in front of their property from a species list.

    Some local governments also have tree replacement ordinances that apply to builders and developers who remove trees during construction.

    While the removal of any one tree can be sad, the long-term goal is for our communities to have more trees overall. You can help by highlighting the value of trees to your local officials and advocating changes to support trees.

    What You Can Do

    You can advocate for changes to laws, plans, and budgets to care for trees and preserve more of them.

    One way to preserve trees and promote a healthy tree canopy is through tree preservation ordinances. Such laws guide preservation, protection, maintenance, and replacement of a community’s trees. They also can protect the public from trees that pose a threat or danger due to disease or hazardous conditions.

    To check whether your community has a tree law, visit the public works or forestry department section on your community’s website and search for “tree ordinance.” If your community does not have such an ordinance, or the law needs improvement, learn how to build laws to preserve trees.

    Another important step is a tree management plan. A formal plan can guide communities to have trained professionals to care for trees, plant diverse species, and have the funds for tree maintenance and planning. Ask your local officials if such a plan exists, and if not, encourage your government to establish one. CRTI can supply an Urban Forest Management Plan template. You can also use the Urban Forest Management Plan Tool Kit created by the Inland Urban Forest Council to get started.

  • Some communities have developed tree maintenance and removal plans that include tree canopy goals, guidelines for tree care, instructions for selecting trees, and timelines for tree trimming cycles.

    What You Can Do

    Contact your community’s public works, planning, or forestry departments and ask for information on the tree management plan and on the process for making decisions to remove trees. If your community does not have a plan, consider advocating for it to develop and adopt one.

    CRTI offers resources to help your community develop a tree management plan.

  • Pruning is an important part of tree care in urban areas, both to protect people’s safety and for the health of the trees. It is better to remove diseased, decayed, or damaged branches before they become a hazard, allowing the tree to recover and regrow in a healthy way. Some municipalities have a regular pruning cycle so that trees in each area are pruned every few years.

    Tree trimming may look severe or disfiguring at first, but if the work is done by a trained and certified arborist, the tree will be pruned in a way that improves its health and encourages it to grow new leaves and branches.

    What You Can Do

    If you are concerned about tree trimming in your neighborhood, contact your municipality’s forestry, public works, or planning department. Ask the official in charge of trees to explain why the trees are being trimmed. Check that the work is being done by certified arborists. Ask whether the pruning is part of a formal tree management plan, and if not, urge your local government to adopt one.

  • A neighborhood typically has both private property—individual yards—and public property, such as parkways.

    What You Can Do

    To increase the number of trees on private property, try talking to your neighbors about planting more trees in their yards. Share resources with them, such as The Morton Arboretum’s Search Tree and Plants tree selection tool. The Arboretum’s Plant Clinic provides resources to help landowners choose trees that are right for the space and to learn proper tree maintenance.

    If you are part of a homeowner’s association (HOA), consider advocating for tree plantings and maintenance to be part of your association’s annual landscape plan and budget.

    To advocate for increasing the number of trees planted on public property, such as the parkway, contact your community’s public works, planning, or forestry department to find out whether there is a plan for tree planting in your neighborhood.

    If there is no plan in place, work with staff and elected officials to develop one as part of a comprehensive tree management plan. CRTI provides a plan template as a place to start.

    Read the Community Tree Canopy Summary for your community, and share it with your elected officials to make a case for more trees. Community Tree Canopy Summaries describe how your community’s tree canopy compares to areas around you, explains the economic benefits of your existing trees, and estimates how much plantable space there is in your community.

    To build support for the development of a tree management plan or for more tree planting in  your neighborhood, consider having your HOA or neighborhood write a group letter or attend a public meeting together. More voices are louder than one!

  • Electric utility companies need to prune trees to keep branches clear of power lines. Tree branches that touch power lines are a major cause of power outages and can create dangerous situations.

    Most communities have a franchise agreement with the electric company that establishes the company’s right to prune trees for power line safety. This agreement stipulates when a landowner needs to be warned of an upcoming tree pruning.

    The best way to prevent drastic tree pruning is to avoid planting large trees under or near power lines. Some species of trees will remain small enough to avoid problems. ComEd and The Morton Arboretum have guidance for choosing and placing trees near power lines.

    What You Can Do

    Advocate for planting the right tree in the right place, which includes not planting large trees where their branches might contact power lines. Urge your community to implement restrictions in a tree management plan or tree ordinance to limit planting near power lines to appropriately sized species in the right place to avoid conflict with the lines. CRTI’s Tree Risk Tool Kit may also help.

  • Tree issues are complicated and often involve a number of stakeholders with different goals. While CRTI likely cannot speak for your specific situation, there are resources available to help you advocate for the trees in your community.

    What You Can Do

    Investigate what written ordinances, policies, and plans your community might have that are relevant to the situation. Read and share the Community Tree Canopy Summary for your community and share the summary with your elected officials. These summaries describe your community’s canopy coverage based on the most recently available data. They describe how your community compares to areas around you, the economic benefits of your existing trees, and how much plantable space there is in your community. You can also use the Tree Risk Tool Kit, which includes introduction letters to your elected officials.

  • The role of The Morton Arboretum’s Chicago Region Trees Initiative is to equip citizens to be tree advocates and speak up for trees. The program provides citizens and local officials with knowledge and tools with science-based data and tree expertise, insight on key issues, and resources for communities and individuals to develop plans, laws, and policies about trees.

    What You Can Do

    Improve the health of the Chicago region by becoming a tree advocate in your community. Help to educate your neighbors and elected officials. Advocate for your community to form a tree board, create a tree management plan, or pass a tree ordinance.

    Join a CRTI work group on regional issues affecting trees. Volunteer in your community to help plant and care for trees. Donate to support tree planting in under-resourced communities and other important tree work.

    Contact CRTI and let us know how we can help you be an informed advocate for trees.

Who to Contact and When

When you have a particular tree issue in mind, how do you know who to contact? It depends on the issue and how your city government is structured.

Some local governments have forestry departments and arborists who handle all tree concerns. Other governments’ tree maintenance and planting programs are in their planning or public works departments. You can usually find your community’s department by searching on the internet using the name of your town with the word “trees.” Or call your municipality’s clerk or administrator.

Here are some general guidelines for figuring out who to contact.

Tree Removal, Tree Care and Maintenance, Replanting of Trees

Possible Contacts

If the tree is on private property, talk to the homeowner or business owner. If the tree is on a parkway—the grassy area between the sidewalk and street—or other public property, talk to your local government’s public works, planning, or forestry department. If the tree is on school property, talk to the school superintendent. If the tree is in a park, talk to the park district.

When to Contact Them

Once a tree is tagged for removal, it might be too late to save it. However, there may be other opportunities to voice your opinion on the value of saving mature trees and planting new ones.

Finding Funding for Trees

Possible Contacts 

City council members and other elected officials are in charge of creating the budgets that dictate how many trees will be planted, trimmed, or removed in a given year. Make sure they know how important healthy tree canopies are to you and your neighbors. Consider testifying at public budget meetings, submitting letters to elected officials, gathering petition signatures from your neighbors, and writing editorials to your local paper.

When to Contact Them

Community budgets are often projected years in advance, so advocating for tree funding now might affect tree work three years from now. Visit your community’s website to learn about the budget process and find out the timing of public comment opportunities.

How Elected Officials and Community Leaders Can Help

Elected officials, the staff members of local governments, and other community leaders can educate and encourage citizens to protect trees. Community members who understand the problems trees face in cities and suburbs are more likely to lend a hand.

For example, communities can:

  • Create your own certified arboretum for your neighborhood block, community garden, school campus, park district, or business through the ArbNet accreditation program.
  • Build a community volunteer program. This Tree Tool provides tips for establishing a volunteer program in your community.
  • Encourage your municipality to become a Tree City USA through the Arbor Day Foundation.
  • Develop a tree board or tree commission to involve educated citizens in tree issues and planning. The National Arbor Day Foundation offers guidance through an informative set of lessons, Tree Board University.
  • Hold workshops on issues facing the community forest and the benefits its trees provide.
  • Offer hands-on learning opportunities for homeowners about the care and management of their trees.
  • Place short informative articles in local newsletters or social media.
  • Use iTree’s My Tree Tool to calculate the monetary value of the benefits your community’s trees provide. This information can be used in advocating for trees.
  • Look up your municipality’s Community Tree Canopy Summary to learn how your community compares to areas around you, the economic benefits of your existing trees, and how much plantable space there is in your community.
  • Get in touch with your local Openlands TreeKeepers chapter, a group of trained volunteers who assist public agencies in planting and caring for trees in the Chicago region.

Enact Laws to Protect Trees

Municipalities can practice tree advocacy by enacting tree ordinances that govern preservation, protection, maintenance, and replacement of a community’s trees.

Resources for developing and improving tree laws include:

Plan for the Management of Your Trees

A tree management plan, like a municipal stormwater, street, or sewer management plan, protects an important part of your community’s infrastructure. Learn more about how to develop a tree management plan.