Children and Family Programs

Environmental Science Merit Badge

Earn your Environmental Science Merit Badge at The Morton Arboretum!

Content Detail

Conduct experiments indoors and out at The Morton Arboretum to earn your Environmental Science Merit Badge. Hike through the west side of the Arboretum to study the environment and then design a construction plan to complete your environmental impact statement.

This program meets in person at the Arboretum on two dates with required homework between sessions and required reading of the merit badge booklet.

Instructor: Education program guides, The Morton Arboretum

Age: 11 to 17

Course number: M201


Education program guide

The Arboretum’s education program guides are experienced professional educators and naturalists with a deep knowledge of the trails and ecology of The Morton Arboretum.

What to Know

Required Reading: Environmental Merit Badge Booklet

This program is held indoors and outdoors.

Dress for the weather and wear comfortable, sturdy shoes. Be prepared to walk on wood-chipped trails.

Bring a notebook and pen.

Program Schedule

This program meets the following two times.

Saturday, April 19, 2025, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, May 3, 2025, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Thornhill Education Center (Parking Lot 21), West Side


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