
Global Tree Conservation

Tree Conservation Initiatives and Collaborations in Latin America

Content Detail

Mexico is the center of diversity for the world’s oak species (genus Quercus); it is home to 162 oak species, 109 of which are endemic. At the same time, many trees in Mexico and Central America face a serious threat of extinction from climate change, expanding agricultural land use, and deforestation for timber. The Morton Arboretum works to understand and protect oak diversity in Mexico and Central America through various collaborative conservation initiatives and projects.

In order to conserve specific threatened oak species, as well as larger ecological hot spots, the Arboretum works with colleagues across the region from academia, botanic gardens, and other sectors to implement on-the-ground conservation projects, training workshops, and capacity-building resources. The Arboretum also coordinates the Global Conservation Consortium for Oak to strengthen collaboration and coordination between oak experts across the region.

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Funding Sources

Chicago Zoological Society

Franklinia Foundation

Lawrence Foundation


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