
Global Tree Conservation

Providing Leadership for Tree Conservation

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A cornerstone of the Arboretum’s Global Tree Conservation Program is to provide leadership and support to tree-focused conservation organizations worldwide.

Through its leadership and collaboration, the Global Tree Conservation Program:

  • Prioritizes species in need of conservation action;
  • Leads and supports global efforts to safeguard threatened trees and the ecosystems they sustain, for the benefit of both people and nature;
  • Works closely with stakeholders from numerous sectors to achieve integrated conservation goals that promote sustainable livelihoods;
  • Disseminates information, raises awareness, and catalyzes action through newsletters, publications, social media channels, and community networks—such as ArbNet and the Global Conservation Consortium for Oak—to ensure it is engaging diverse audiences, both locally and globally.

Its conservation goals align with the targets of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation and the North American Botanic Garden Strategy for Plant Conservation, which provide clear objectives and timelines to guide the botanical garden community.

Through collaboration with the Global Tree Assessment and IUCN SSC Global Tree Specialist Group, the Arboretum’s Global Tree Conservation Program is also advancing efforts to assess all of the world’s ~60,000 tree species for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, helping to establish baseline knowledge of threats to trees and prioritizing conservation needs.

The program works with regionally specific conservation groups, including the Oaks of the Americas Conservation Network (OACN) and the Southeast Asian Botanic Garden Network (SEABG) to ensure trees are effectively protected through local knowledge, research, and efforts.


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