Register for Field Trips
Register for a field trip online.
See below for a list of available guided programs.
See Plan Your Field Trip for help preparing for your classroom’s visit to The Morton Arboretum.
To access vocabulary, activities, teacher guides, and more, enroll in our Field Trip Bundles.
Guided Field Trip Programs
Guided field trip programs are available for pre-K through 12th grade classes during the spring and fall school seasons.
Morning programs are scheduled Monday through Friday, 9:45 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Afternoon programs are scheduled Monday through Friday, 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. For a full day option, pair two half day programs together.
Registration for spring field trips opens Thursday, January 2, 2025. The spring season runs from Monday, March 31, through Friday, May 30.
Spring to Life (spring only)
1.5 hours | 180 students
From flowers on the ground to nests in trees, observe nature waking up from winter. Use your senses to experience new life, and learn about how plants and animals adapt to the seasons. Enjoy flowery scents, observe spring colors, listen for baby birds, and even catch a few insects.
This program emphasizes the following Next Generation Science Standards:
- K-ESS1-2: Make observations at different times of the year to relate the amount of daylight to the time of the year.
- K-ESS2-1: Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over time.
- 1-LS1-2: Read texts and use media to determine patterns in the behavior of parents and offspring that help offspring survive.
- 1-LS3-1: Make observations to construct an evidence-based account that young plants and animals are like, but not exactly like their parents.
To access vocabulary, activities, teacher guides, and more, enroll in our Field Trip Bundles.
Half day:
$10 per student, $15 registration fee
Full day (paired with another program; see Fees and Policies):
$14 per student, $30 registration fee
It's Fall! (fall only)
1.5 hours | 180 students
Explore seeds and leaves of trees to discover how nature prepares for winter. Use your senses to experience life in the Arboretum, and learn about how plants and animals adapt to the seasons. Observe nature in autumn up close while learning about fall color, seeds, and animals.
This program emphasizes the following Next Generation Science Standards:
- 1-LS1-1: Survival
- 1-LS3-1: Seeds
To access vocabulary, activities, teacher guides, and more, enroll in our Field Trip Bundles.
Half day:
$10 per student, $15 registration fee
Full day (paired with another program; see Fees and Policies):
$14 per student, $30 registration fee
Bugs Abound
1.5 hours | 180 students
Get up close and personal with insects and other invertebrates. Students use active inquiry to explore the component parts and life cycles of bugs and butterflies. Sweep the fields to discover the diversity of bugs in this region, find out how bugs move, locate and compare habitats and diets, and observe interesting characteristics.
This program emphasizes the following Next Generation Science Standards:
- 1-LS1-1: Survival
- 1-LS1-2: Life cycle stages
- 1-LS3-1: Body parts and adaptations
To access vocabulary, activities, teacher guides, and more, enroll in our Field Trip Bundles.
Half day:
$10 per student, $15 registration fee
Full day (paired with another program; see Fees and Policies):
$14 per student, $30 registration fee
Leave No Child Inside
1.5 hours | 180 students
A growing body of research says that unstructured time spent outdoors in nature is critical to children's physical, social, and emotional development. Such outdoor experiences can foster creativity, emotional well-being, independent learning, and problem-solving. The beauty of the Arboretum changes daily, and students will have an opportunity to explore whatever is most interesting on the day of their visit. One of our guides will be on hand to answer questions and guide students to exciting observations, but the focus is on free exploration of nature.
This program is not meant to address any specific Next Generation Science Standards.
To access vocabulary, activities, teacher guides, and more, enroll in our Field Trip Bundles.
Half day:
$10 per student, $15 registration fee
Full day (paired with another program; see Fees and Policies):
$14 per student, $30 registration fee