Explore the Grounds

Spring Bloom Report

See where spring blooms are showing in the gardens, plant collections, and natural areas of The Morton Arboretum.

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Spring bloom as of Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Early spring bloom at The Morton Arboretum is developing slowly due to cool temperatures, but the first flowers have appeared.

Yellow blooms can be seen on Cornelian-cherry and Japanese Cornel dogwoods bordering The Gerard T. Donnelly Grand Garden, in the Ground Cover Garden, and around Meadow Lake (Parking Lot 1); in the landscape around the Thornhill Education Center (Parking Lot 21); and in various locations on the Arboretum’s East Side.

Hellebores (Christmas- and Lenten-roses) are in full bloom in the Ground Cover Garden and around the Visitor Center (Parking Lot 1) and in the Four Seasons Garden just outside the entrance to the Thornhill Education Center (Parking Lot 21). Witch-hazels, Siberian squill, and Judd’s viburnum also are starting to bloom in the Ground Cover Garden.

Skunk-cabbage is in flower west of Lake Marmo and along Willoway Brook south of the Lake Marmo dam (Parking Lot 28). On the hill above the lake, patches of crocuses are in colorful full bloom.

Look up for flowers making a haze of color in wind-pollinated red, silver, and Freeman maples and in Eurasian and American elms in the tree collections and woodlands. Soft, furry willow catkins have developed on willow trees and shrubs in the Midwest Collection (Parking Lot 2), the Willow Family Collection (Parking Lot 31), the Europe Collection (Parking Lot 19), and the Temperate Asia Collection (Parking Lot 17). Silvery pollen catkins also are growing longer on Turkish, Farges’, and native American hazelnuts.

Look for yellow blooms of forsythias starting to open in Parking Lot 1 at the Visitor Center; in the Temperate Asia Collection; in Godshalk Meadow (Parking Lot 31); and near the Thornhill Education Center. Blooms on white forsythia are just starting to open along the Entrance Drive near the gatehouse; in the landscape surrounding the Visitor Center; in the Fragrance Garden near Thornhill; and in the Dwarf Woody Plant Collection just east of the Firefly Pavilion (Parking Lot 1).

The yellow blooms of daffodils are soon to come, with foliage and flower buds well out of the ground.

The sounds as well as sights of spring have arrived at the Arboretum. Listen for the spring symphony of chorus frogs, redwing blackbirds, robins, and cardinals. Shake off the winter blues and start breathing in the springtime air with regular walks through the Arboretum’s changing landscapes.

Featured in the Spring Bloom Report


Crocus plants push out of the ground in late winter to early spring, sometimes when there is still snow. The blue or purple blossoms are easy to spot when few other plants are growing nearby.

Cornelian-cherry dogwood

Cornelian-cherry dogwood blooms with tight clusters of small star-shaped yellow flowers in early spring, before its leaves emerge.


Lenten-rose has thick stems with small clusters of white or light pink flowers blushed with purple.


About the Spring Bloom Report

The Spring Bloom Report is written by The Morton Arboretum’s manager of plant records, Ed Hedborn. It is typically published on Wednesdays throughout the spring to help guests plan their weekend visits. The Arboretum also publishes a weekly Fall Color Report in the fall.

Spring bloom as of Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The very first flowers are beginning to appear at The Morton Arboretum, with many more to come over the next few weeks. The exact timing will depend on the weather; cool weather tends to slow down the blooming and warm spells to speed it up.

Snowdrops are in bloom in front of the Thornhill Education Center (Parking Lot 21) and the yellow flowers of winter aconite are blooming north of the nearby Fragrance Garden. More snowdrops are in bloom along the West Side Alternate Route just north of Lake Marmo (parking lots 26 and 27). Skunk-cabbage is in flower west of Lake Marmo and south of the Lake Marmo dam along Willoway Brook (Parking Lot 28).

In front of the Visitor Center (Parking Lot 1) and in the nearby Ground Cover Garden, the first flowers of hellebores (Christmas-roses and Lenten-roses) are beginning to open. Look for the blooms of small, 4-inch-tall Iris ‘Katharine Hodgkin’ at the west end of The Gerard T. Donnelly Grand Garden south of the Visitor Center.

Trees and shrubs are also starting to bloom in many locations in the Arboretum’s tree collections, gardens, and landscapes. Spring-blooming witch-hazels are putting on a great show in Witch-Hazel Dell (Parking Lot 27), Arbor Court, and the Ground Cover Garden (Parking Lot 1).

Look up to see the subtle colors of small flowers on trees such as red, silver, and Freeman maples, American elms, and quaking and big-toothed aspens. Cornelian-cherry and Japanese Cornel dogwoods are showing yellow flower buds in our collections and will soon have yellow blooms. You will need to look closely to see the female flowers in full bloom on our American hazelnuts.

No matter how much spring weather varies, there is always something lovely to see along a walk at The Morton Arboretum.

Featured in the Spring Bloom Report

Chinese witch-hazel

Early spring-blooming Chinese witch-hazel has strap-like, crinkled flowers that are a deep yellow with a tinge of red.

Cornelian-cherry dogwood

Cornelian-cherry dogwood blooms with tight clusters of small star-shaped yellow flowers in early spring, before its leaves emerge.


Lenten-rose has thick stems with small clusters of white or light pink flowers blushed with purple.


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