Adult Opportunities

Summer Solstice Hike

Celebrate the first day of summer with a guided hike along the Arboretum’s trails.

Content Detail

Walk The Morton Arboretum’s trails on the longest day of the year. Visit natural areas, take in spectacular trees, and fill your lungs with fresh air as you explore the many ways we are connected to nature and its cycles.

During this guided hike, participants will:

  • Hear solstice stories
  • Learn how daylight and darkness are important to nature’s cycles
  • Identify plants, birds, and other wildlife along the trails
  • Consider our human role as being a part of nature, rather than apart from it

This program meets in person at the Arboretum.

Instructors: Education program guides, The Morton Arboretum

Age: 16 and older

Course number: N061


Education program guides, The Morton Arboretum

The Arboretum’s education program guides are experienced professional educators and naturalists with a deep knowledge of the trails and ecology of The Morton Arboretum.

What to Know

This program is held outdoors. Dress for the weather and wear sturdy, comfortable shoes.

Be prepared to walk up to two miles on uneven terrain.

Bring a water bottle.

Program Schedule

Saturday, June 21, 2025, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Prairie Visitor Station (Parking Lot 25), West Side


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