Adult Opportunities

From Lawn to Garden (online)

Get tips for replacing a lawn with vibrant garden beds in this online course.

Content Detail

Turf lawns require a lot of maintenance and resources while adding little benefit to the environment. If you’re tired of mowing, and you are dreaming of a vibrant garden oasis, this informative online presentation will guide you through the process of transforming your lawn into a thriving garden bed.

In this live, online class with The Morton Arboretum, participants will receive:

  • practical insights on lawn conversion techniques,
  • expert guidance on soil preparation and amendments, and
  • a Q&A session to address your specific lawn-to-garden challenges.

The instructor will cover multiple techniques for lawn conversion, discussing both the labor involved, potential costs and environmental impacts of each so participants can make choices that are sustainable for their spaces and lifestyles.

Discover how easy it is to create a homeowner-friendly garden that enhances curb appeal and brings joy to your outdoor living space. Get inspired and motivated to take the leap into garden-bed creation.

This program meets live online.

Instructor: Kasey Eaves, horticulturist, Vivant Gardens, Inc.

Age: 16 and older

Course number: H144


Kasey Eaves, horticulturist, Vivant Gardens, Inc.

Kasey Bersett Eaves started growing edibles and her treasured sunflowers at age two on her family’s farm property in southern Illinois. Now, as owner of Vivant Gardening Services, she spends her days making gardening approachable to area residents, restaurants, schools, and more. She encourages using edibles, natives, and pollinator plants, even in a city’s unusual spaces. Eaves loves finding creative and easily maintained growing solutions for city dwellers.

What to Know

This program meets on Zoom. A link will be provided upon registration.

Program Schedule

Saturday, August 10, 2024, 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Thornhill Education Center, West Side


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