Adult Opportunities

Birds of Central and South America

Delight in the vast diversity of Central and South American birds.

Content Detail

With over four thousand bird species, a visit to Central or South America is a birding enthusiast’s dream. Incredible diversity exists from northern Mexico to the most southerly regions of Chile and Argentina, where birds are supported by vastly different habitats that include coasts, mountains, deserts, rain forests, and more. While Illinois gets a small, seasonal sampling of the migrating species that visit from the south, the sheer number, variety, and beauty of South America’s bird population is hard to comprehend.

In this class at The Morton Arboretum, Denis Kania will share stories, facts, and richly colorful photographs of birds from nearly 30 years of travels to Central and South America that will surprise and delight you. Enjoy an evening of armchair birding and learn how to support conservation efforts that benefit birds at home and abroad.

This program meets in person at the Arboretum.

Instructor: Denis Kania, birding instructor

Age: 16 and older

Course number: N190

Denis Kania, birding instructor

Denis Kania has been teaching ecology and bird-related classes for The Morton Arboretum since 1997. He is a founding member of the DuPage Birding Club and leads outings nationally and abroad. When he is not teaching, he is monitoring birds at Fermilab or traveling to the friendly corners of the world in search of birds that he has not seen before.

What to Know

This program meets indoors.

Program Schedule

Thursday, October 5, 2023, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Cudahy Room, Administration and Research Center


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