Siberian bugloss has large, fuzzy, heart-shaped leaves which support a cloud of tiny true blue flowers in the spring. Often used as a groundcover or naturalized in shady spots.
Siberian bugloss grows 12 to 18 inches high and wide. Clumps slowly spread to form thick groundcover.
Native geographic location and habitat:
This plant is native to Turkey and the Caucasus mountains.
Pollinators and wildlife:
Butterflies are attracted to the flowers in spring.
Leaf description:
Bright green leaves at the base are heart-shaped and fuzzy and up to 8 inches long. Leaves on the stems are smaller. Dark green leaves increase in size over the summer, creating lush mounds.
Flower description:
Clouds of intensely blue, star-shaped flowers appear in April and May above the leaves.
Fruit description:
The fruit is not ornamentally significant.
Plant care:
Grow in partial to full shade. Leaves will burn in more sun. Prefers uniformly moist soil, but will tolerate drier soils in a shady location once established. Cut dead leaves or cut to the ground midsummer if the leaves start to decline, as this will encourage a flush of new growth. Reseeds well in moist soil, but mainly at the base of the plant. Divide in spring.
List of pests, diseases, and tolerances:
Siberian bugloss has no serious pests or diseases. The plant may decline mid-summer in dry, hot areas. The fuzzy, leathery leaves are unattractive to rabbits and deer.
Alexanders Great Siberian bugloss (Brunnera macrophylla ‘Alexanders Great’):
A large version of the species, Alexanders Great Siberian bugloss can get up to 3 feet wide. The leaves are silver colored with green venation.
Jack Frost Siberian bugloss (Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jack Frost’):
Silver, heart-shaped leaves have light green veins.
Looking Glass Siberian bugloss (Brunnera macrophylla ‘Looking Glass’):
This cultivar starts with white-silver leaves with thin green veins and gradually loses the color of the veins until the leaf is completely silver-gray.
Sea Heart Siberian bugloss (Brunnera macrophylla ‘Sea Heart’):
This cultivar stays more green along the veins, giving the leaves a two-tone effect. The foliage stands up well to heat and humidity
Silver Heart Siberian bugloss (Brunnera macrophylla ‘Silver Heart’):
Bold white and green leaves create the backdrop for the blue flowers in spring on a compact plant, which only gets about 12 inches tall. Leaves are more scorch resistant than the species.
Variegated Siberian bugloss (Brunnera macrophylla ‘Variegata’):
This older cultivar has wide, irregular white margins on bright green leaves.