With the potential to grow up to 7 feet, Culver’s root is a tall perennial with dense clusters of white flowers that appear from midsummer to early fall. It works well in native gardens, pollinator gardens, rain gardens, cut-flower gardens, beds, borders, or naturalized areas. This species is native to the Chicago region according to Swink and Wilhelm’s Plants of the Chicago Region and current research.
Size and method of spreading:
At maturity, Culver’s root is 4 to 7 feet tall and 2 to 4 feet wide. It spreads by producing offsets through underground stem structures (rhizomes) and by self-seeding.
Native geographic location and habitat:
Culver’s root has a native range that includes the Central and Eastern United States. C Value: 8.
Pollinators and wildlife:
The dense white flowers of Culver’s root are known to attract bees, beetles, butterflies, flies, moths, skippers, and wasps. Red admiral, azure, and eastern tailed blue butterflies are frequent visitors to Culver’s root. Culver’s root provides nutrients to larvae of the Culver’s root borer moth.
Leaf description:
Culver’s root leaves whorl around the stem in groups of three to seven. The leaves are long and narrow (lanceolate), growing up to 6 inches long and 1 ½ inches wide. They have sharp teeth along the edges (serrate margins) and a prominent midvein. They attach directly to the stem (sessile) or have a short stalk (petiole).
Flower description:
Culver’s root produces upright, densely packed spikes of tiny, tubular, white flowers. These clusters are up to 10 inches long and mature upward from the bottom. The individual flowers are about one-quarter-inch long. The petallike, tubular structure (corolla) is divided into four lobes for the upper third of its length. Two yellow or reddish-brown pollen-bearing structures (stamens) protrude from the corolla. Surrounding the base of the corolla is a leaflike, tubular structure (calyx) that is deeply divided into five sharply pointed lobes.
Fruit description:
Within the persistent calyx, Culver’s root produces ovoid or ellipsoid fruit that splits into four to release seeds when mature (capsules).
Plant Care:
If grown in shade, Culver’s root may require staking. Deadheading can encourage additional blooming.
List of pests, diseases, and tolerances:
Culver’s root is not susceptible to major pests and diseases.