Big-leaved goldenray has large leaves, and the plant is attractive even when not in bloom. The flowers are daisylike, orangish yellow, and attract butterflies. It is a great early to midsummer perennial to plant near streams, ponds, in bog gardens, cut flower gardens, shade gardens, pollinator gardens, or rain gardens.
Size and method of spreading:
The mature height of big-leaved goldenray is 3 to 4 feet and the spread is 2 to 3 feet. They spread through offsets produced by underground stem structures (rhizomes) and self-seeding.
Native geographic location and habitat: (include C-value if appropriate)
Big-leaved goldenrays are native to China and Japan.
Attracts birds or pollinators:
Big-leaved goldenrays are known to attract butterflies.
Leaf description:
As the name suggests, big-leaved goldenray plants produce large, medium-green, leathery leaves. They grow on long stalks (petioles) that originate in clumps near the ground (basal) and can grow to approximately 3 to 4 feet tall. They are rounded at the top and have heart-shaped bases (reniform to cordate). The edges of the leaves are coarsely toothed (dentate margins).
Flower description:
The flowers of big-leaved goldenray are daisy-like flower heads with petallike ray flowers surrounding a center of numerous disk flowers. The flower heads are approximately 2 to 4 inches in diameter. The ray flowers are orangish-yellow in color and the disk flowers form a center that is a mix of browns and yellows.
Fruit description:
Big-leaved goldenray produces fruit similar to a dandelion, but with short hairs at the tip (achene).
Plant Care:
Big-leaved goldenray can be divided every three to four years. This species likes wet soils, so the plant may require some watering.
List of pests, diseases, and tolerances:
Slugs and snails can be minor pests of big-leaved goldenray. The leaves are sensitive to sun and heat, and they may appear wilted during the day and recover at night.