Chicago Region Trees Initiative

2050 Master Plan for Trees

A strategy to preserve, protect, and grow a healthy and resilient urban forest.

Content Detail

In 2019, the Arboretum’s Chicago Region Trees Initiative (CRTI) developed its comprehensive 2050 Master Plan for Trees to ensure that trees are healthier, more abundant, more diverse, and more equitably distributed to provide needed benefits to people and communities across the Chicago region by 2050.

Each of the CRTI working groups identified specific tactics to support successful achievement of this plan. These tactics relate to each group’s area of focus: stewardship and planting; green infrastructure, policy, and native ecosystems; forest composition and analysis; and risk assessment and management. Accomplishment of the tactics will result in successful achievement of the plan’s key goals and expected outcomes.

Key Goals 

  • Inspire people to value trees
  • Increase the Chicago region’s tree canopy
  • Reduce threats to trees
  • Enhance oak ecosystems

Expected Outcomes

  • Improved tree health
  • Improved urban forest policy
  • Increased funding for urban forestry
  • Integration of science


Download the 2050 Master Plan for Trees >

Download the 2050 Master Plan for Trees Executive Summary >