Digital Membership Cards

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Morton Arboretum digital membership cards are available for easy access in your Apple or Android phone’s digital wallet–helping to reduce paper waste and conserve trees. A digital membership card is an electronic version of your Morton Arboretum membership card that can be easily downloaded and stored in your smartphone’s wallet. Digital membership cards are used for member entry at the gatehouse. Show your digital membership card or physical card to visit any day.

Digital membership cards provide access to all of the same member benefits in a digital format, including free entry passes, Acorn Express Tram vouchers, and member gift vouchers. In-person discounts in The Arboretum Store and the Gingko Restaurant and Café will be available by presenting your digital membership card.

When you renew your membership or become a new member, simple instructions for downloading your digital membership card will be emailed to you within five business days.

Digital membership cards have replaced the Arboretum mobile app, as the membership ID functionality on the mobile app ended on June 1, 2022.

Please note that $5 member add-on general admission tickets for friends and family who accompany members will not be delivered to your digital membership card. Ticket confirmations will continue to be sent by email.

Please check back for more updates, and review the Frequently Asked Questions for additional information.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A digital membership card is an electronic version of your Morton Arboretum membership card that can be easily downloaded and stored in your Apple or Android smartphone’s wallet. It provides access to all of the same member benefits in a digital format, including Acorn Express Tram vouchers and member gift vouchers. In-person discounts in The Arboretum Store and the Gingko Restaurant and Café will be available by presenting your digital membership card.

    Members may enter the Arboretum at any time during open hours on any day by showing their digital or current physical membership card at the gatehouse. Please note that $5 member add-on general admission tickets for friends and family who accompany members will not be delivered to your digital membership card. Ticket confirmations will continue to be sent by email.

  • Digital membership cards are now available. Simple instructions for downloading a digital membership card will be emailed within five business days when a current member renews or when a new member joins. More information will be shared with current members when they receive their renewal notice before their membership is set to expire.

    Members can request new digital membership cards ahead of their membership renewal date by emailing or by calling 630-719-2453.

  • Digital membership card download links and instructions will be emailed to the primary member’s email address within five business days of the membership renewal or purchase. The primary member can forward the email to the second named member, who may use the same links to add the digital card and any vouchers to their smartphone wallet.

  • If you do not have an email address or smartphone, you may choose to receive a traditional, physical card. See the FAQ “Can I still get a printed membership card?” for more information.

  • As an environmental organization, The Morton Arboretum is committed to conservation and sustainability. Digital membership cards are an eco-friendly option. They help conserve trees by reducing the Arboretum’s use of paper and reduce the carbon footprint by eliminating printing and mailed delivery.

    Not only are digital membership cards a greener option, they also deliver your member benefits sooner. Links to download your digital cards and vouchers are delivered to your email inbox within five business days time instead of waiting two to three weeks for printing and mailing.

    Digital cards also help keep your member benefits at your fingertips; no more hunting for lost cards, passes or vouchers!

  • Please contact the Membership Hotline at 630-719-2453 or email

  • Digital membership cards must be downloaded using your smartphone; download links will not work from your desktop or laptop computer. Follow the download links in the email using your smartphone:

    From Your Apple iPhone:

    Click the “Download” link in your confirmation email.
    Next, on the preview page click on “Add to Apple Wallet.”
    Then, click on “Add” in the upper right corner of your screen.
    Your Morton Arboretum digital membership card is now added to your Apple Wallet.

    From Your Android Phone:

    Click the “Download” link in your confirmation email.
    Next, click on “Add to YourWallet.”
    If you do not have YourWallet installed, you are directed to the Google Play Store* to download.
    Open the YourWallet app.
    Your Morton Arboretum digital membership card is now added to your YourWallet.

    *If your preferred web browser does not automatically redirect you to the Google Play Store to download the YourWallet app, download the YourWallet app directly from the Google Play Store before downloading your digital card.

  • Yes, current members may request a digital membership card ahead of renewing by calling the Membership Hotline at 630-719-2453, emailing, or stopping by the Member Services Desk. When leaving a voice mail or emailing your digital card request, please include your member ID number in your message for a quicker response time.

  • To turn over your digital membership card, simply tap on the three dots in the corner of your card.

    The backside of the digital membership cards provides access to other member benefits in a digital format, including extra guest passes, Acorn Express Tram vouchers, and member gift vouchers. The backside of your digital card also contains a link to reserve advance timed-entry tickets and other helpful links and contact information.

    Please note, timed-entry $5 tickets for accompanying guests will not be delivered to your digital membership card. Ticket confirmations will continue to be sent by email.

  • Save the email received at the start of your membership with the card and voucher download links. If you get a new phone or accidentally delete them from your digital wallet, use the links contained within the original email to add the cards on vouchers again.

    If you have misplaced the original email, call the Membership Hotline at 630-719-2453 or email to have the links resent.

  • The digital membership card and vouchers will list the names of both the primary and secondary members. The digital membership card download links and instructions will be sent to the member’s primary email. Forward the email to the second named member and they can use the same links to download to their smartphone.

  • If you do not have an email address or smartphone, you may choose to receive a traditional, physical card. See the FAQ “Can I still get a printed membership card?” for more information.

  • Yes, you can request a traditional, physical membership card. Additional shipping and handling fees for physical cards may begin on June 1, 2023.

    Requesting a physical card during an online transaction:

    All online, non-gift memberships will default to a digital membership card. You may request a physical card AFTER completing your online transaction by calling the Membership Hotline at 630-719-2453 or emailing A link to an online physical card request form will also be included in the email containing digital card download links.

    Requesting a physical card during a sales person assisted-transaction:

    Members may select a digital or physical card at the time of sale during a sales person assisted-transaction at the Member Services Desk or over the phone on the Membership Hotline.

    Requesting a physical card via mailed response forms:

    Beginning in June 2022, all mailed renewals will include a checkbox to select a digital or physical card. Please note that a valid email address must be included on the mailed response form for digital delivery of membership cards.

  • Yes, Morton Arboretum digital membership cards are secure. Your digital membership card does not store financial or personal contact information.

  • Present your valid digital membership card on your smartphone at more than 340 participating arboreta and gardens to receive your admission benefits.

    Benefits and policies vary by organization. Please call ahead of your visit to a reciprocal arboretum or garden to confirm its specific admission policy, benefits, and hours of operation. For more information visit the American Horticultural Society’s reciprocal benefits website.