Explore the Grounds

Fragrance Garden

Follow your nose to the inviting fragrance garden, just west of the Thornhill Education Center, at the north end of the paved Joy Path.

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Follow your nose to the inviting fragrance garden, just west of the Thornhill Education Center, at the north end of the paved Joy Path.

This secluded half-acre garden contains plants with fragrant flowers, fruit, or foliage. The garden was built and planted in 1984 and includes more than 95 types of trees, shrubs, and perennials.

The Fragrance Garden is a favorite among regular Arboretum guests. Its tranquility, inviting benches, and small fountain encourage relaxation, reflection, and a greater appreciation for nature. During the summer, the garden is accented with the additional color and fragrance of summer annual flowers in containers and beds. Aquatic plants in the fountain enhance this charming space.

Among the highlights are Kentucky wisteria (Wisteria macrostachya), Korean boxwood (Buxus microphylla var. koreana), and Little Spire Russian-sage (Pervoskia ‘Little Spire’). Come to this garden to learn how easy it is to add more scent to your own garden.

The Fragrance Garden is closed November through March.


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