Adult Opportunities

Edge Walking: A Writing W.I.L.D. Workshop

Find your inner voice with this intuitive writing workshop.

Content Detail

Edges are the places where worlds meet. They are spaces of growth, uncharted territories, and the unknown. Edges invite us into relationship with the not-yet imagined, untapped potentials, and creative uncertainty. At the edges, we learn how to uncover boundaries, move between realms, and project our voices across distances within and without.

In this four-hour practice, which arrives as summer’s edge becomes fall’s beginning, participants will gather to write W.I.L.D.: with wonder, intuition, love, and daring. Journey through the Arboretum’s grounds, and encounter diverse edges as we engage in guided writing practices, nature-based readings, and creative play. We will invite “a form out of the formlessness that is beyond the edge” and therein become the place “where the extraordinary may happen,” as poet Mary Oliver writes in Upstream, a collection of her essays.

This program meets in person at the Arboretum.

Instructor: Kristy Belton, certified forest therapy guide, Prairie Pathways

Age: 16 and older

Course number: A094


Kristy Belton, certified forest therapy guide, Prairie Pathways

Kristy A. Belton is an author, forest therapy guide, Illinois Master Naturalist, and rewilded yogi. She enjoys bringing people into deeper relationship with themselves, each other, and the earth through outdoor practices. She is the founder of Prairie Pathways, which offers rewilding practices that reconnect people to the land they live upon. Find out more about her and her work at Prairie Pathways.

What to Know

This program meets indoors and outdoors. Dress for the weather and prepare to walk a short distance over uneven terrain.

Please wear sturdy walking shoes and bring writing materials, as well as something to sit on (such as a sit pad, a towel, blanket, or a portable stool).

Bring anything else you may need for comfort (such as sunscreen, a hat, water, etc.).

Program Schedule

Saturday, September 14, 2024, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Thornhill Education Center, West Side


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