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Help Share the Benefits of Trees

Make a gift to support The Morton Arboretum and help make the benefits of trees available to all across the Chicago region and beyond.


Through a pathway of partnerships, the Arboretum is strengthening the connection between people and trees, engaging local and regional communities to inspire a love of trees and ensure their protection. Your gift supports the Arboretum’s efforts to create healthy, resilient communities by increasing access to trees and nature in many ways.

The Arboretum brings educational programming to nonprofits serving under-resourced children and invites students to the Arboretum’s Children’s Garden to experience the benefits of time spent in green spaces.

The Arboretum leads workdays to support West Pullman’s We Sow We Grow Project, providing an important source of fresh produce for the neighborhood.

The Arboretum co-hosts seed-saving, storytelling, and Native STEM camp programs with Trickster Cultural Center, sharing the knowledge and traditions of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation and other native communities while reconnecting them to culturally significant land and natural resources.

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What are you giving to when you make a gift?

A gift of $1,000

Could fund two round-trip bus rides from the city of Chicago to the Arboretum to reduce transportation barriers and get more people outdoor

A gift of $500

Could plant and care for a tree for three years as part of the Arboretum’s Tree Ambassador program

A gift of $250

Could support group admission for 20 middle- and high-school students from disinvested communities.

A gift of $100

Could offset staff costs to create a tactile guided hike for low-vision nature lovers.

Give today for a thriving tomorrow.

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